Dua To Make Someone Realise His Mistake

Someone else’s mistakes can have nasty effects on your life. But that person may still feel he has not committed any mistakes.

Therefore, make use of the dua to make someone realize his mistake. This dua will make the person realize his mistake. As a result, he will be careful in the future.

  • First of all, let us see the process for the dua to make someone realize his mistake.
  • Firstly, do a fresh wuzu.
  • Next, you must recite Allah Yusmiyu Mayyashao.
  • Secondly, you must recite Surah Fatir.
  • This you must recite 111 times.
  • Finally, blow on the person who must realize his mistake.
  • There are chances that the person is not there in front of you.
  • Even then, you can do the dua to make someone realize his mistake.
  • In such cases, keep the photo of the person in front of you.
  • Now, do the process in front of the photo.
  • Finally, blow on the photo.
  • Remember that you have to do this dua 21 days.

If you do the process correctly, then, first of all, the person’s mind will change. Next, he will start realizing that he has made a mistake. Finally, he will accept his mistake. In case even after doing the dua, the person does not realize his mistake then contact an Islamic expert.

Dua To Make Someone Realise His Mistake

The Islamic expert will check the issue. Next, he will do some procedures which will make the person realize his mistake. The expert will also tell you more duas and wazifas that can help you.

Which Dua Use To Make Someone Feel Guilty

Dua To Make Someone Feel Guilty, A person has done wrong things. You are suffering, and he is not even feeling guilty. In that case, make use of dua to make someone feel guilty.

This dua can help you in many ways. Firstly, it will make that person realize his mistake. Secondly, he will feel guilty about it. Finally, he may even accept his mistakes and will not repeat them.

  • Now the dua to make someone feel guilty should be such that the person suffers.
  • Only then will he understand his mistake and will feel guilty?
  • Firstly, get up early in the morning. Next, have a bath and say your namaz.
  • Secondly, you must recite Surah Kausar.
  • Try reciting it as many times as possible.
  • Finally, take the name of the person who must feel guilty.
  • Pray to Allah that this person must realize his guilt.
  • Remember, to do the dua to make someone feel guilty every day.
  • If you do the process correctly, then the person will realize his mistake.
  • Secondly, he will feel guilty.
  • Finally, he will come and apologize to you.

But there are some things that you must keep in mind. Firstly, that person must be wrong. Do not use the dua on someone just because you are jealous.

Secondly, you must follow the path of truth. Also, you must have faith in Allah. You must have the confidence that Allah will never do anything wrong to you. Only then you will get results.

Which Dua Use For Someone To Remember You

Dua For Someone To Remember You, You have done so many things for someone. But today, that person does not even remember you or your good deeds.

  • If you want this person to remember all these things, then there is only one solution.
  • Make use of dua for someone to remember you.
  • Firstly, this dua will make that person realize that you are outstanding.
  • Secondly, he will remember all the good things that you did for him.
  • In the case of dua for someone to remember you, first of all, have your bath.
  • Next, sit in a calm place. Focus on what you want.
  • Next, remember Allah.
  • Secondly, you must recite Ya Wadudu Ya Raufu Ya Rahimu.
  • Make sure to recite this dua 303 times.
  • After you have said the dua for someone to remember you think about that person.
  • Finally, pray to Allah that this person remembers you and comes back to you.
  • If you do the dua properly, then you will get results.
  • The person will start thinking about you.
  • Next, he will get in touch with you.

But there are some essential things that you have to keep in mind. First of all, you must not use the dua with bad intentions. Secondly, you must have positive thoughts when you are doing the dua.

Next, you must say your namaz daily. Have complete faith in Allah and dua. You will get the results. But it will take some time. So you must have patience.

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